Frequently asked questions
Does my insurance cover anesthesia services?
Three Oaks Anesthesia is contracted with and “In-Network” for the major health insurance plans in Oregon, including Medicare/Medicaid. While anesthesia services for most procedures are covered by these plans, we always recommend checking with your insurance provider regarding your specific procedure.
I have insurance, so why am i getting a bill?
In many instances, under your health plan you may be responsible for certain cost-sharing amounts, such as co-payments and deductibles. Your Anesthesia bill reflects what you owe after your insurance plan has applied these. If you have secondary insurance, please make sure that information is presented in order to process correctly.
Why are there multiple Charges on my bill?
In addition to the administration of anesthesia during your procedure, Anesthesia providers may also provide additional services to patients as they undergo anesthesia. These other services range from extensive monitoring of patient vital signs, as well as surgeon requests for post op-pain management nerve blocks.
Will I receive multiple bills?
In addition to the bill for the Anesthesia professional service fee, there will also be a facility bill and the surgeon’s bill. The Facility bill includes the use of the facility, medications, supplies, etc, while the Surgeon bill includes their professional service fee.
If i’m paying out-of pocket (self-pay), what should i know?
There is a pre-pay discount for those paying out-of pocket (self-pay), as long as payment is received prior to your procedure. This can be coordinated through contacting our billing team.
Where can i find payment information?
Billing and Payment information can be found under the “Billing” tab.